I hope Sunday was a special day for all who celebrated Mother’s Day.

For me, the day is commemorated to honour all mothers and their existence in people’s lives. Mothers have different roles in our lives, from being a caregiver to becoming a protector, from being a friend to a mentor. Not surprising, this special day is observed by more than 50 countries around the world.

Sadly, my mother died at a very young age from cancer. Although I was only 22 years of age at the time, it is a day that I will never ever forget. But despite her passing, I draw on Mother’s Day to reflect on the wonderful memories of our relatively short time together and her influence on me personally and professionally.

To me, my mother defines resilience. Despite all the adversities in her life, she had strong faith and was a very giving and positive person. Our house was like a central hub for family and friends. No one EVER left hungry or without feeling better than they did when they arrived.

That resilience has shaped me as a person and without any doubt, has been one of the key underpinnings of my successful career in finance spanning over 30 years. Fundamentally, I love helping clients to achieve clarity and I stand steadfast with them in their pursuit of happiness. With so much choice and confusion in the evolving world of finance, supporting clients to rationalise their financial and life decisions is of paramount importance.

To that end, co-founding Convergence Wealth over a decade ago has been immensely rewarding. It is an incredible privilege to be working closely with clients and helping them shape their lives. Clients are encouraged to treat Convergence Wealth as their central hub, just like my mother did at home many years ago for family and friends.

Back then, I was fortunate to live life through my mother, now I get to live numerous lives through my clients.

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